Eight Times Nikola Tesla Accurately Predicted the Future

Eerily Accurate: How Nikola Tesla Thought of the Future.



Image Source: Wikimedia Commons (Public Domain)

Nikola Tesla (1856–1943), a Serbian-American engineer and scientist, produced numerous advances in the generation, transmission, and utilization of electrical power.

In addition to creating the first A.C. motor, he advanced the A.C. generation and transmission fields. Because of his massive achievements, he is often referred to as the genius who gave us light!

Unlike his early boss and primary adversary, Thomas Edison, unfortunately, he could never turn his prolific inventions into sustainable financial success. Here are eight of his ideas that became the reality of modern society!

1. The Smartphone

Using a network similar to today’s Internet, Tesla envisioned a wireless gadget that combined video and telephone technology.

Think a smartphone sounds like Tesla’s 1926 description? He once described,

“We are all part of a real and rhythmic whole, and when wireless technology is fully implemented, the entire planet will be transformed into a gigantic brain. The time and space barriers between us will vanish as we are able to have instantaneous, global conversations. Television and telephones have…



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